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Citizenship Award 2024: Maïté Meeûs & Seppe Nobels
The 20th Citizenship Award of the P&V Foundation is given to two Belgians who are committed to promoting social justice and dignity for the most invisible members of our society: Maïté Meeûs and Seppe Nobels. Seppe Nobels is a chef and social entrepreneur who combines culinary excellence with social engagement. Maïté Meeûs is a feminist activist and founder of the impactful movement #BalanceTonBar.Through their actions, they contribute to a more inclusive and fairer society.
Two inspiring journeys making a tangible difference
On the Dutch-speaking side, the jury honors renowned chef Seppe Nobels for his work on integrating newcomers through Instroom Academy in Antwerp and ‘t Gasthuis in Mechelen, focusing on culinary exchange, organic farming, and a sustainable vision for the future. He also co-hosts the TV program Restaurant Misverstand with Dieter Coppens, raising awareness about young-onset dementia by working with staff affected by the condition. Seppe Nobels fosters dialogue, connection, and a positive narrative around inclusivity. His work has a profound impact, not only on those directly involved but also on the broader community. This will undoubtedly not be his last award, but the P&V Foundation’s Citizenship Award perfectly aligns with his values: “The term citizenship immediately evokes equality. When I work in the kitchen with refugees or people with young-onset dementia, I am one of them, even though everyone calls me ‘chef’. I scrub the floors and clean the equipment just like everyone else.”
Get to know the laureate, Seppe Nobels, in the video below:
On the French-speaking side, the jury selected Maïté Meeûs, founder of the Balance Ton Bar movement, which raises awareness about sexual violence and empowers survivors to speak out. She continues her commitment through her non-profit organization Artémise, which aims to create a safe space where survivors can share their experiences and heal with dignity. She not only gives victims a voice but also brings about tangible change. When asked what the Citizenship Award means to her, Maïté Meeûs responded: “We are nothing without the strength of a community: this award from the P&V Foundation is dedicated to all activists and those who have shared their testimonies. It is a recognition of collective work.”
Get to know the laureate, Maïtée Meeûs, in the video below:
An example for young people
The Citizenship Award provides the laureates with the opportunity to financially support a project aligned with the mission of the P&V Foundation. Maïté Meeûs will continue her work on raising awareness about sexual violence and supporting survivors through Artémise. Seppe Nobels has chosen to support his non-profit United We, which helps various groups - young refugees, school dropouts, newcomers – in his training academy (InstroomArt), where they are retrained as chefs, sous-chefs, or restaurant staff.
20 years of the Citizenship Award
Hilde Vernaillen, CEO of the cooperative insurer P&V Group, states: “Active citizenship is a value close to our hearts. It is more relevant than ever in a time of great challenges that we can only overcome by prioritizing the common good. Since 2005, the Citizenship Award has highlighted exceptional individuals who work towards well-being and happiness while looking beyond themselves.”
The Citizenship Award often marks a turning point in the laureates’ careers. Michel Pradolini, president of City Pirates and 2018 laureate, testifies: “The impact was enormous. Before, we were mainly known locally, but suddenly our club gained national recognition.” For Virginie Nguyen Hoang, a young photographer and 2019 laureate, it was a source of support during difficult times: “The award gave me confidence during moments of doubt. It truly gave me new momentum, and for that, I am very grateful.”
Browse the brochure of the 2024 laureate
Press review
MO*, Gie Goris, Maïté Meeûs: ‘Ik weiger te leven in een wereld waarin vrouwen voorzichtig moeten zijn’ (05/02/2025)
La Libre, Maïté Meeûs et Seppe Nobels récompensés du Prix de la Citoyenneté de la Fondation P&V (04/02/2025)
La DH/Les Sports+, Maïté Meeûs et Seppe Nobels récompensés du Prix de la Citoyenneté de la Fondation P&V (04/02/2025)
Knack, Han Renard, Chef Seppe Nobels en activiste Maïté Meeûs winnen burgerschapsprijs: 'Mijn engagement is begonnen met het liedje We are the World' (04/02/2025)
Le Soir, Nicolas Crousse, Prix de la Citoyenneté : Maïté Meeûs, l’espoir chevillé au combat (04/02/2025)
Le Soir, Ugo Santkin, Prix de la Citoyenneté : Seppe Nobels, la cuisine comme outil d’inclusivité (04/02/2025)
Het Laatste Nieuws, Laura Wellens, Chef-kok Seppe Nobels en Maïté Meeûs (Balance ton bar) krijgen Burgerschapsprijs (04/02/2025)
BRUZZ, Maïté Meeûs (Balance ton bar) krijgt Burgerschapsprijs (05/02/2025)
msn, Chef-kok Seppe Nobels en Maïté Meeûs krijgen Burgerschapsprijs (05/02/2025)
BX1, Maïté Meeûs et Seppe Nobels récompensés du Prix de la Citoyenneté (05/02/2025)
Nieuwsblad, Maïté Meeûs van ‘Balance ton bar’ wint Burgerschapsprijs (05/02/2025)
MO*, Gie Goris, Seppe Nobels: ‘Migratie is niet illegaal, maar normaal. Dat is ons recept’ (08/02/2025)
Le soir, Carte blanche par Maïté Meeûs, « Prenons position. Dénonçons quand c’est nécessaire. Soyons de véritables allié·es dans la lutte contre les violences sexuelles » (10/02/2025)
4 February 2025