Early school leaving & youth unemployment - Phase I Conference

Brussels, 7-8 March 2013

In 2012, the « Prize for research on integration of young people excluded by early school leaving and unemployment » was launched, which aimed to reward articles that succeed to elucidate in a rigorous, empirical and original way the causes of, and possible solutions for, early school leaving and /or youth unemployment in Belgium and other OECD countries. Nine articles were selected to be awarded this prize and be published in a book "Early School Leaving and Youth Unemployment" (Tielt & Amsterdam: LannooCampus & Amsterdam University Press).

In January and February 2013, the Foundation has gathered a number of experts within two working groups (one on education, another one on employment), who were asked to discuss and to identify (new) policies and projects that could resolve the problems identified in the winning articles.

The conference of 7-8 March 2013 aimed to present the results of the research done by the nine laureates (first day), but also to diffuse and feed the debates started by the two working groups (second day), thanks to the participation of more than 200 public and private stakeholders from all over Europe who are concerned by the education and employment opportunities of young people. The Foundation P&V was very honored to welcome Commissioner Andor and Ministers De Coninck, Lieten and Smet at the conference. The final objective of the conference was to enable politicians, foundations and civil society to identify and launch new policies and/or actions to respond more efficiently to the problem of early school leaving and unemployment of young people in Belgium and in Europe.


Powerpoint Presentations

7 March 2013

8 March 2013

8 March 2013

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